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8th Annual Meeting (Nov. 2022)

group-2022_500Participants on 29 November 2022 in Würzburg

The W2W Annual Meeting took place in Würzburg from 28-30 November 2022. About 80 people took part in the meeting, including the invited guests:

Carolyn Reynolds (NRL, USA) took part online with a few additional participants. The keynote presentations were highly relevant for W2W and many discussions took place at the coffee breaks, during lunches and dinners, and at the "Meet the Speakers" session organized for the ECS and the guests to talk about career opportunities and long-term strategies at each guest institution, three of them being weather services. The ice breaker with mulled wine was also a great opportunity to meet the guests and to reconnect with colleagues, sometimes seen for the last time one year ago in person.
The poster sessions were very successful, and most discussions ran longer than the poster sessions themselves.

New members were elected at the W2W General Assembly, and we welcome them all in W2W:

The members thanked Bernhard Mayer for coordinating Research Area B during Phase 2. Christian Keil was elected as a new SG member and he will lead the RA-B.

A new ECS committee was elected and consists of:

Amelie Mayer (JGU) was elected as a new member of the Equal Opportunity Committee (EOC).
We thank the four ECS for their involvement and active participation in W2W’s activities.

The current Scientific Advisory Board provided active and constructive feedback during the meeting. Since its term ends at the end of Phase 2, the W2W community thanked all SAB members for their constant constructive feedback during these four years, which has helped to improve the excellence of, and the collaborations in the consortium.

Childcare was provided for two children during the meeting. They enjoyed the games in the parks next to the hotel, the swimming pool, and many other activities offered by the friendly and professional care taker.

childcare-500Impression of the childcare

An informal topical lunch on Diversity also took place on 29 November. This was the occasion to gather information about what "diversity" means to the participants, and what measures and activities would be relevant to the W2W community.

The program and additional information are available here.
