4th Annual Meeting (Nov. 2018)
The 4th Annual Meeting of W2W took place from November 12th to 14th 2018 in Landau (Palatinate region, Germany).
Building on last year's positive feedback, the format of the meeting featured overview presentations from the three research area (RA) coordinators, lightning talks by the Early Career Scientists (ECS) to introduce their poster, extended poster sessions, a few keynote presentations, and breakout group discussions focused on ongoing research in each the RA, lessons learned and added value of W2W during Phase 1, and suggestions for improvement for Phase 2.
Among the 78 participants, six invited speakers from five countries discussed with the ECS about their results and provided constructive feedback on W2W.
The invited speakers and guests were:
- Judith Berner (NCAR, Boulder, U.S.A.)
- Ulrich Blahak (DWD, Germany)
- André Brinkmann (JGU, Germany)
- Hanna Joos (ETH, Zurich, Switzerland)
- Ron McTaggart-Cowan (Environment Canada)
- Mark Rodwell (ECMWF, UK)
The participants had plenty of time to update each other on their ongoing research, for instance during the ice breaker and a guided tour of Landau.
At the 4th General Assembly of W2W on November 14th, the W2W members elected six new members:
- Thomas Birner (LMU)
- André Brinkmann (JGU)
- Andreas Schäfler (DLR)
- Sebastian Lerch (KIT)
- Joaquim Pinto (KIT)
- Marc Rautenhaus (UHH)
The W2W members also elected Bernhard Mayer as the new coordinator of RA-B "Cloud-scale Uncertainties".
The ECS elected a new ECS committee for one year, consisting of:
- Florian Baur (LMU): ECS representative
- Marlene Baumgart (JGU)
- Philipp Zschenderlein (KIT)
Childcare has been organized during the meeting. To read more, click here.